Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


To be a center of digital learning, a leading and innovative scientific work publisher, and a leading publisher in terms of developing academic and non-academic traditions with the best and leading services in the learning, publishing, and printing industries.


  1. Doing socialization and training the educators and students in the use of interactive media by utilizing learning room facilities and digital platforms.
  2. Doing socialization and services in the fields of learning, publishing, and printing.
  3. Becoming a partner to publish and print academic and non-academic books and other printed materials in a professional and reliable manner.
  4. Fostering interest in reading among students and the general public through attractive designs from published books and printed in innovative ways and the convenience bookstore
  5. Providing service for the printing needed of Universitas Trisakti and the general public by maintaining good and consistent quality and quantity of print.
  6. Improving quality and innovation of printed products and marketing services consistently and continuously
  7. Building and developing university academic culture through digitizing various activities related to learning, publishing, and the printing world.
  8. Optimizing the use of science and technology to support efficient, transparent, and accountable publishing services.
  9. Strengthen network and collaboration with learning media providers, publishers, and printing at national, regional, and international levels.
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