- Gedung R Lantai 1, Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1
- Grogol, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
- Phone: (62) 566 3232 ext 8726
- Email: sekretariat.pedatri@trisakti.ac.id
- Email: usaktipress@trisakti.ac.id
Vision and Mission
To be a center of digital learning, a leading and innovative scientific work publisher, and a leading publisher in terms of developing academic and non-academic traditions with the best and leading services in the learning, publishing, and printing industries.
- Doing socialization and training the educators and students in the use of interactive media by utilizing learning room facilities and digital platforms.
- Doing socialization and services in the fields of learning, publishing, and printing.
- Becoming a partner to publish and print academic and non-academic books and other printed materials in a professional and reliable manner.
- Fostering interest in reading among students and the general public through attractive designs from published books and printed in innovative ways and the convenience bookstore
- Providing service for the printing needed of Universitas Trisakti and the general public by maintaining good and consistent quality and quantity of print.
- Improving quality and innovation of printed products and marketing services consistently and continuously
- Building and developing university academic culture through digitizing various activities related to learning, publishing, and the printing world.
- Optimizing the use of science and technology to support efficient, transparent, and accountable publishing services.
- Strengthen network and collaboration with learning media providers, publishers, and printing at national, regional, and international levels.